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Vegas June 2009 (WSOP)

Day Five - Deep Stack part deux
Last Updated: 2009-06-17 09:35:15
Tuesday was a fairly uneventful day.
Decided to play in the Deep Stack again at Venetian, only $330 this time. They ended up getting I believe about 725 people so there was a good payout for first place.
And I was just so card dead...
They don't call it a deep stack for nothing. In this one you "only" started with 12,000 chips. I think I won one, maybe two pots in the first three hours or so but somehow still had about 5000 in chips. Still nothing. Finally I'm down to my last 3100 chips and I'm in the big blind with blinds at 600/1200 with 100 ante. Note that we're now over four hours into the tournament and I've won like two pots.
Well my K-3 won when I flopped a king and tripled up. I won some blinds and had a few more chips when I got pocket 8's. Actually had enough chips that I could make a raise without going all in. Got one customer. Flop 6-7-8 w/ two clubs. I bet 3K, he calls. Turn is a 6, I have 8's full. Check, check. River is a 3rd club. Oh how I hope he has a flush. I bet 4K of my remaining 10 or 11K, he goes over the top, I call and he flips over the K-J of clubs for a flush!
Now for the first time in the tournament I'm above average and I can play some poker.
Unfortunately for me I got greedy. Maybe after playing close to 5 hours of poker and having so few hands I just couldn't stop feeling the rush...
So a woman who was ... I wouldn't say loose but was raising and sometimes willing to fold to a reraise ... raises out under the gun. Then a desperate player shoves for what is about half my stack and I look down at A-K. There was a little voice that told me to get away, but somehow I convinced myself that the original raiser would go away if I shoved and I'd have at worst a coin flip but quite possibly be way ahead of the short stack for only half my chips and decided to go for it.
She couldn't call fast enough with her aces, and short stack woke up with pocket Qs. I did flop J-10 so I at least had two outs, but no such luck and I was done.
So we had dinner at the Bellagio Buffet. Did have a new experience there. We were in a line that was going to be about 45 minutes when someone came out and asked us if we'd like to sit at the bar ... NOW.
Uh, YES.
Joann doesn't like mushrooms but she tried a mushroom ravioli dish they had and loved it. I think that's a new line for my montage of things that always get said about the buffet there. Someone always seems to try something they "usually don't like" and likes it.
I almost tried the venison ribeye but it was a little rare for me.
I did do one thing I hadn't done in like three years in all my trips here. Had an alcoholic drink. I skipped a 45 minute wait, I figured it was the least I could do :) I'll have to look back at my blogs and see which one said it was the first time I'd been out here and not had a drink. I'm positive haven't had alcohol out here once since that trip.
Did something else I hadn't done in a while.
As you all probably know Joann and I have lost a fair amount of weight in the last 6 months. We both assumed we were going to put a little back on this trip but we've both shown remarkable restraint out here. Well for me that ended with this meal. I ate so much my stomach hurt for like an hour after. Damn that was good. Was the only meal of the day for both of us, however (ok I had a small muffin before the tournament) so I shouldn't pay too dearly for it.
And that was it. Lost some money at craps, decided to call it an early night and went to bed early. I slept for like 10 hours for the first time in forever and now I'm full of energy for what will probably be my last shot at a deep stack in about 3.5 hours from now.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day Eight - "One Last"
Day Seven
Day Six - Joann plays Craps
Day Five - Deep Stack part deux
Day Four - WSOP
Day Three - A day off
Day Two - Deep Stack
Day One
Day Zero (planning)
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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