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Vegas June 2009 (WSOP)

Day Seven
Last Updated: 2009-06-19 10:14:22
Don't have a lot for today, folks.
The deep stack started out great for me, 45 minutes in I doubled up. Player raised out, I min-raised with aces to try and get everyone out except him. That worked perfectly. Flop came 10-9-4. He checked, I made a bet, he made a huge overbet thinking he was going to check-raise me out but also pot committing himself and we got all the chips in. He turned over A-10 and no 10 came on the turn and river.
Alas that was the highlight of the tournament for me. At that point in the tournament I felt very in control of the table. It was a tight table and I was able to make some plays and do some things. But then two maniacs sat down at the table and it was pretty much all over for playing poker. These two geniuses were playing literally anything, raising and reraising with nothing. And their stacks went up and down like yo-yos, but unfortunately they never busted out. No kidding, the one guy twice put all his chips in with 7-4 suited and caught flushes. The two of them were constantly betting at dry side pots with hands like bottom pair or draws.
So I just sat back and waited for big hands, but unfortunately I got very few playable hands. All I can really talk about are the ones I didn't play ... like the pocket threes that I folded to raise-reraise-all-in only to see a three on the flop and another three on the turn...
Then about four hours in, maniac number three shows up and raises and reraises the first four hands he's at the table for. On the 4th one I picked up pocket 7's and decide to take a stand only to run into his pocket aces. You can't make this stuff up...
So that was my shortest day at a deep stack, and after such a great start it was very disappointing.
We decided to go with the Rio buffet one more time for dinner, I think I've had enough of that for one trip. Still very good tho...
Gawked at the WSOP for a little, saw very few big name players however. Did see one of the shortest "bubbles" ever probably in a PLO tournament. When we walked in they were at 38 paying 36. After about 15-20 hands we saw one guy bust out, they asked the rest of the dealers to finish the hands they were on and not deal another one but one table finishing up a hand busted out another player so they were in the money. Devilfish was the only guy we recognized in that one.
Then walked around for a little while to work off dinner, gave a little back at the craps tables, watched Cody play a little cash game (saw him double up from being a little on the short side), walked around some more and called it a night. Oh we did go up to the box office for "Love" but all they had were single seats.
Not sure what I'm going to do Friday. If I play in a tournament that I want to play in (a deep stack or the $330 at Caesar's) I run the risk of having to extend our stay here one more day. Hmmm, that would just be terrible, wouldn't it ...
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Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2009-06-19 10:40:02
seems like an echo of what I find on line

1 flushes never catch but others do
2 other inside straights catch
3 bad player either has Rockets when you have KK
or catches an ace for his Ace Tree.

Other Entries This Blog:
Day Eight - "One Last"
Day Seven
Day Six - Joann plays Craps
Day Five - Deep Stack part deux
Day Four - WSOP
Day Three - A day off
Day Two - Deep Stack
Day One
Day Zero (planning)
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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