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Vegas April 2010 (WSOPC)

Day One
Last Updated: 2010-04-18 07:48:12
Flight started out a little rocky, we were getting knocked all over the place by the wind just accelerating down the runway. But once we got a few thousand feet up in the air it smoothed out and it was all good from there.
Got to IP at 9am, they checked me in but wouldn't give me a room yet. So I wandered around a little, checked out Venetian and Caesars and ultimately decided to play in the WSOP event at Caesar's rather than the deep stack. For some reason Venetian is not filling up the deep stack like they have been in the past while Caesar's has been getting good crowds for the WSOP. We ended up having 267 people in the $340 buyin. Hooked up with Cody after we were both bought in and got some lunch. We tried to get into the buffet at Harrah's but the line was so long that we gave up on it and went for a quick fast food meal instead. Kinda sad that I flew all the way to Las Vegas and my first meal was Chipotle...
Back to IP to get my room assignment and room key and then on to Caesars a few minutes late.
I shouldn't have rushed over. In the first two hours I think I played about 4 hands. The only pot I won in that time I won blinds. I've been card dead before, this was record setting. I had NOTHING. Only 3 pocket pairs, 3's once and 10's twice. Biggest ace was A-7. Had K-Q suited once, had to fold to a raise and a reraise (and the flop would have badly missed me anyway). It was painful.
Cody meanwhile had doubled up very early when he caught two pair vs an overpair but then had some bad luck. I think he was out by the first break.
Didn't get much better for a while after the first break, but eventually I did get some cards. Got no action on shoves w/ K-9 and K-Q suited, then finally the hand I needed. I've got A-Q off, there are two limpers and then two short stacks (somehow there were two people with less chips than me!) both shove and I decide I can't pass up a chance to triple up and shove as well. The limpers fold and I was up against A-10 and 99 with 99 being a very short stack. Had I lost to the 99 but beat the other hand I think I would have been a little ahead, but I flopped a Q with three hearts on the board and me having the Ah that left 99 with only one out and he missed (I caught the meaningless flush card on the river). I actually had a little run of cards and within a short while I was either the chip leader at the table or a very close second for about one orbit.
Got our second break, then when we came back I went card dead again for a while and the blinds started to hurt. I decided I had to steal a pot, and I got Q-10 from the button and when everyone folded to me I shoved and took a shot. The big blind called with pocket aces. Ugh. Flop K-J-x, A on the turn. I caught a straight and he didn't catch his boat on the river. Alas this double-up only got me to about 24K with blinds 800/1600. So I was OK for a while, but again very few cards.
We were down to 47 players at dinner break with 27 paying out of 267. Unfortunately I only outlasted about two more players.
First I'm in the big blind and a guy who was stealing all night raised out. I look down at K-J and decided to shove and hope he's stealing again. He was, he makes the call w/K-6 so I have him crushed. But we end up running out two pair on the board and chop the pot. About half an orbit later I raise out from the button with K-J again and the same guy calls me, I'm shoving any flop w/ 1/3 of my chips already in the pot. Flop is three unders, but unfortunately for me he had called w/ Q-9 and hit the 9. So I'm out 45th or so out of 267, less than 20 from the money. Bummer.
But I walk over to IP, throw down a few bucks at the craps table and win my buyin back so I'm about even for the trip.
Tomorrow it will be back at Caesar's for another WSOP event, this one a $230 buyin and only 6000 chips. I will have to either decide to be more aggressive than today or hopefully catch a few more cards. Leon, Paul and Brian get out here this morning and they're also planning to play in that one.
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