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Vegas April 2010 (WSOPC)

Day Two (part one)
Last Updated: 2010-04-18 16:18:41
Breakfast at the Bellagio buffet. Most of you know I've lost a fair amount of weight over the last year and a half (my BMI is actually in the normal range). The Bellagio buffet is evil. EVIL. That's a new quote for the link earlier in this sentence. Lemme ask you a question that occurred to me...is it wrong to stuff yourself to the point of feeling full and then still go back for vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce? At 10:20AM??? Ice cream at 10:20am is wrong, isn't it? And, yes, it was fucking good. Wow, links everywhere today.
First let me re-hash yesterday a little bit. I'm fairly proud of myself for getting as close to the money as I did. In 7 hrs of play I never had a pair bigger than Jacks, A-K once and A-Q about 3-4 times and I still outlasted over 200 people to get within about 18 of the money. In the first two hours I played at most four hands. With three very loose players at the table constantly playing down every hand (stealing and restealing constantly and calling very light, clearly you couldn't get them out of pots) I felt the only way to be successful was to wait for a big hand and I feel like I showed incredible patience. When it finally got to where I could steal I played off my image and stole a couple of pots to keep myself going. I really only have one regret, and that's that I made a correct decision where it turned out I should have made the wrong decision. Rarely do I regret making a good decision, it's just that I'm not totally convinced it was a good decision. All-in short stack, reraise from a somewhat tight player and I knew my A-Q had to be behind so I let it go, but with blinds on top it would have been about a triple-up when I was only around 10X BB. It's really, really close. Turned out the reraise had KK (I was actually more worried about slick) and of course the A came on the flop and I would have tripled up and been in very good shape. I was right that I was behind but I have this nagging feeling it's a hand I should have taken a shot with...
So on to today, and there's not much to talk about. The fact that I'm doing an early afternoon blog today should give you a hint of how things went.
After breakfast, Cody picked me up to take me to an AT&T store to get a USB cable for my cell phone. I had left my charger at home (the only thing I forgot!) but I also had been thinking about getting a USB cable so I could download pictures from my phone. Here's my excuse! The USB charges too...
So on to the tournament. Hooked up with Leon, Paul and Brian and chatted for a few mins before heading in.
10 mins in I catch top pair on a safe looking board, bet every street, catch two pair on the river and run into a better two pair. 10 mins later I've got K-Q, flop top pair, river two pair but ran into a runner-runner straight flush and paid it off (he also had top pair on the flop with a worse kicker, I was actually ahead on the flop and turn). Bad news was that 20 mins in I was down half my stack, good news was I had two-pair twice and wasn't broke. Then raised with pocket 9s preflop, but have to go away after a flop of A-A-J and an insta-bet from the only caller (the BB). Down 2/3 of my stack now. Get no action on two King high all-ins (but get some chips from limpers) and finally a guy who was raising out a few too many pots raises out again and I decide it's time to shove with K-Q suited. He called with a lousy A-8 and the best I can say is I got four extra outs on the turn with a possible gutshot but no paint on the river. Done before the first break.
So now I've got about 4 more hours to kill before one of the good 7pm tournaments. Don't know what I'm going to do with myself between now and then but hell, it's Vegas, I'm sure I'll think of something...
Just got word Leon is out as well, few minutes earlier Cody told me he doubled up. Guess I'll have some company in the 7pm!
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