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Vegas November 2010 (Deep Stack)

Day Three - Whatever I could find...
Last Updated: 2016-03-22 16:53:52
Unfortunately not a lot to talk about, seems like the last day of my trips is always a ho-hum day...
Breakfast w/ Leon at Bellagio, today was his getaway day.
Started out at the noon tournament at the Wynn. Early on tried some aggressive moves that didn't work out. For example a guy was raising a lot preflop and continuation betting 100% of the time, I tried going over the top of him with nothing but a gutshot and he responded with an all-in. Oh well. I did double up once beating queens w/ A-10 but that was my highlight of the tournament. Ended up all-in w/ 6's against jacks and I was done.
Did have a bit of a panic before the tournament. I'm walking into the Wynn and realize my wedding ring isn't on my finger. I NEVER take off my wedding ring. I check all my pockets, nothing. I'm sick to my stomach. During the break, tho, I stick my hand in my pocket again to pull out my droid and I feel the ring in the right pocket, which I would never stick my left hand into, wedged in between the droid and my iTouch. I have no idea how it got there but WHEW!
Cody had come by and went into a cash game there, I didn't want to be a short stack there but he suggested Monte Carlo and we headed over. I had one of my few bright spots of the trip there.
Had kings hold up once and queens twice for some nice sized pots and more than won my buyin for later that evening.
Went to Caesar's to play in the 7pm but when I got there the poker room was almost empty so I headed over to Venetian for their 7pm. Very happy to find out they had over 120 when I signed up and I heard they cracked 140.
First hand out of the gate I have K-10 spades, flop comes J-Q-10 w/ two spades. I bet and get one caller. Turn blank, bet call. River a deuce of spades, now I have 2nd nut flush. I bet, he raises, I go back over top for most of his stack and he calls w/ a worse flush.
Alas that was the highlight of the tournament for me. Couldn't win a pot for a long time, gave most of the chips back but I did last a few hours. Eventually I got into all-in mode. I caught top pair w/ A-8 off on a flop of 8-4-5 and shoved in a good size pot and got called by, sitting down (?), A-2 off. 3 on the turn and I was done.
So that was it, lost a few bucks at the craps table and called it a night.
As always thanks for reading. Next trip will probably be april.
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