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Vegas June 2006

Day Five(Thursday)
First I was remiss in leaving out one bit of news from day four - namely the trip to the mall. I knew that just seeing the titanic thing didn't take long enough to waste the day between lunch and dinner but couldn't remember what was missing. The only reason the trip was significant was that Joann was buying me some chocolate at See's Candy and Rich was going on about how other chocolate makers are much better. Then came the moment we (or certainly I) won't hear the end of for a while. The lady at the candy store, trying to prove quality, made the mistake of telling Rich that they use Hershey's chocolate but make their own fillings. Oh the humanity... Rich also bought some Giants apparell at the mall that was dirt cheap because, well, frankly nobody else wanted any of it.
So today's entry is going to be short because there are no worthwhile Pete stories and Rich, who today was all about, isn't here looking over my shoulder and I wasn't at his tables at any key moments...
The Pete part goes like this: Did one thing I hadn't done all week - got up early enough to eat breakfast. Joann joined me, then we finished packing and it was off to the airport. Played in $100 tourney with Rich, no cards, hit no flops, busted out early. Went to blackjack table, blew another $100 in about 5 minutes. Got a few dollars back at the craps table. Rich now flush with cash (more about that later) buys dinner, Pete has to listen to Rich regale (sp?) him with disgusting stories about how he got flush with cash. Go to Fremont street, Rich makes poker pilgrimmage to Binions, see Led Zeppelin cover band with lead singer who looks A LOT like Robert Plant...for a moment we were fooled, but eventually we figured it out...playing live in Fremont street...back to Harrah's for another tourney, for the first time all week I finally, finally get cards and monster hands but only make it to 10th after blowing a big chunk of the stack on a failed bluff.
Now the Rich story: Sleep in, eat lunch, play in tourney with Pete. While Pete is busy blowing what's left of his short stack because he can't get cards, take my equally short stack and triple up after flopping top pair with better kicker and getting two all-ins, one with just an A high prayer and the other with the same top pair and lesser kicker. Hit another hand quickly, build chip stack from there, at final four chip leader incredibly agrees to four way chop of remaining prize money and end up about $700 on the plus side. Buy sad-sack Pete dinner out of pity. Go to Binions and kneel in reverence to the Gods of poker. Then back to Harrahs for another tournament with Pete. Bust out on 3rd hand, rebuy, bust out permanently. Hang out in outdoor bar for a while while Pete plays, figuring it won't take long. But miracles happen, Pete made the break so sit down for a little no-limit cash game. Win another large chunk of cash by, among other hands, getting two all-ins when I have aces (they held up), more all-ins after hitting a straight and a set. Walk away with 5 times what I started with, would have stayed longer but dumbass Pete blew his chip stack and wants to leave.
So thanks to all who read this page, I did see in the log that this page got a lot of hits the last few days so I hope you enjoyed reading about our trip.
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Day Six/Summary
Day Five(Thursday)
Day Four(Wednesday)
Day Three(Tuesday)
Day Two(Monday)
Day One (Sunday)
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