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Vegas November 2012

Day 3 - More Aria
Last Updated: 2012-11-06 08:59:34
Another day, another deep run that was just short...
Went to the Bellagio for what I expected to be a lunch buffet on a Monday but it was brunch. Not a complaint, just not what I expected. Love the flank steak that I got with my big ol' omelet. And the soft serve ice cream is still the best anywhere on the planet. I don't know what they do that nobody else does but it's amazing how good it is.
Unfortunately that was the highlight of the day for me.
Bought in at Aria and within two rounds I was down to half a stack. Not a good start at all after having mostly good starts to that point in the trip. But from that point I managed to build it back up. Once I got back around starting stack I made a couple of takeouts of short stacks, got paid both with aces and queens and before I knew it I was up over 30K from my 10K starting stack.
Eventually we get down to 24 players from a start of I think 118 so they are paying 12. I had been maintaining my stack, got moved to a table with the guy who was playing every hand the day before who took me out hitting a gutshot. Sure enough he was playing exactly the same way, watched him call an all-in that would have crippled him if he lost with nothing but an over card...and proceeded to hit runner/runner straight to take out the other guy. Brutal.
So still around 30K, a guy who was fairly tight but was also making some well timed moves raises out to 4500 and I look down at A-Q and call. He only has about 18k. To my surprise a very short stack calls for about half his stack. Flop rag-J-Q. Can't beat it, right? Well all the chips go in, the very short stack turns over J-10 off but the middle stack turns over pocket Kings. Ouch. I get no help from the turn and river and I'm back to just above starting stack and below 10X BB. I get away with two light shoves, but the blinds go up again and I get it all in with A-10 suited, run into A-K and that was that.
I dunno, I just don't see how I get away from that hand. Just bad luck, another deep run cut short.
I went and watched the Eagles for half an hour until the 7:00 starts up...they SUCK.
So into the 7:00 and it was UGLY. Aces cracked by 10-9 suited in the second round, bought back in, again dropped down to around 6K, built it back up around 10k, went card dead for a while, blinds get up to 400/800 and me around 8K, shoved w/ K-Q and ran into A-Q. Ugly.
And that was my night. Went back to the room, hung out a little and passed out.
Obviously I would have liked to last longer in the tournament, but I needed the good night of sleep so there is a silver lining there.
So today I'm a little torn about what to do. First I have to go to the bank and reload, I don't like carrying my whole bankroll around w/ me and I don't get nearly enough exercise out here so the walk to the Wells Fargo tower is at least something.
Then my problem is that I really want to play in the HORSE tournament at MGM at 7:15, but I'm not going to spend the whole day sitting around waiting for it. If I play at Aria and go deep again I will surely miss it. I could play at Wynn, but that's always a small tournament compared to Aria. So I think the plan is going to be play at Aria, if I go deep enough that I miss HORSE it should mean I'm in the money so I guess I'll have to live with missing it.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 5 - Stuck
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Day 3 - More Aria
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Day 1 - Context, Aria
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