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Vegas October 2013

Day 6 - Close again, time to go home
Last Updated: 2013-10-05 12:55:50
Oh so close again...
Lunch at Aria buffet again. This is one of my favorite buffets now because they quite often have a very good Manhattan clam chowder. It's so rare that anyone serves that soup, much less a good version of it, that its always a treat for me. Then down the escalator to the poker room...
Somehow I managed to play about 6 hours of poker on Friday and have very little to talk about. It was a grind to say the least. In the first four rounds the only pot of any size I won was when I turned top pair, top kicker into a bluff and got away with it.
Blinds were probably 100/200, a fairly tight player raised out to 500-600 and I called with A-Jo. Flop came J-rag-rag but two spades. He bet, I called with top pair. I thought about going over the top but really there's no reason. I don't want him to get away from a pair under Jacks, if he has A-K or A-Q I want him to catch an ace, and if he has a bigger pair then I'm in trouble anyway.
Turn is a blank, he bets again, I call again. Now I'm concerned about the overpair. Basically with his preflop raising range he can only have the same hand, a pair higher than Jacks (not good for me) and maybe 9s or 10s. Maybe but unlikely a worse Jack - say KJ or QJ, but I don't know if they're even in his range to raise preflop, he would almost certainly have limped with those. I don't see this guy continuing past a flop bet with air.
River is a 3rd spade. He checks, I look at the pot...there's about 6000 in the pot, I have about 6000 left. I decide that there's little chance at this point of him calling much with a worse hand. And it occurs to me that I played this exactly like someone on a flush draw, so if I don't have the best hand I can represent the flush.
I go all in. He tanks for quite a while and folds.
About half an hour later he was in a pot with someone else, they shoved on him, he said "this is the second time I'm folding an overpair", looked at me and told me I bet too much earlier or maybe I would have gotten more out of him...hehe...
After that, tho, it was a whole lot of nothing. Eventually I got to the point where I had to start pushing every chance I got. Got away with a few, tried a no-look small blind push trying to steal after it folded to me, got called, turned over 5-7o, he had A-Qo, flop came A-9-8...6 on the turn. Oooops!
An orbit later I was still just above 10BB, I pushed with A-9o, ran into KK...ace on the turn! Oooops again.
That actually put me into a decent position. I was an average stack with a little over 20BB!
At that point we were a little over 20 paying 15. By the time we broke down to two tables we were up a level, I had gone an orbit without playing a hand and here I was down to only 15 BB. Looking around the new table I was one of the three short stacks. First hand out of the gate I pick up A-Q. I raise out, someone goes over the top of me to put me all in, I call.
Ran into Kings again, and no miracle for me this time, I bust out 5 from the money.
All in all, this was a great trip. A first place out of I think 120-something players, the equivalent of 5th-6th place money out of 158 players, 6 from the money in a 120-ish person tournament and 5 off the money out of 150. That's a good week of tournament poker!
And of course, the only decision I made all week that I question is the last one I made. I could have gotten away from it, but OTOH had I gotten away I was back to all-in mode and I would have had to push with worse hands than that. But...then again...it's one thing to push with some fold equity, it's another to call when you're probably behind.
Oh well.
Drove home after the tournament, got home around 1am and we got to sleep in our own bed!
As always, thanks everyone for reading.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 6 - Close again, time to go home
Day 5 - Another deep run
Day 4 - Aria...where else?
Day 3 - Aria, Aria
Days 1 and 2 - Date night and Aria
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