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Vegas October 2013

Day 5 - Another deep run
Last Updated: 2013-10-04 12:52:56
This will probably be a a little shorter than usual, I'm a little pressed for time today.
No late night again on Wednesday so we were up fairly early on Thursday. It's actually nice having some time to sit around and do "nothing" for a few hours every morning. Relaxing is rarely on my agenda...
Lunch at Spice Market Buffet at Planet Hollywood. One thing we've noticed this week is that the strip is pretty dead. Usually there's a long line to get into Spice, well really any buffet at the heart of lunch time, but not so this time. We haven't seen any long lines anywhere all week.
On to Aria for another day of poker.
There isn't a lot for me to talk about as far as the 1:00. I lasted well past the end of the rebuy period, but the bottom line was the cards just weren't there for me. There were only two hands of note.
On the first one, the under-the-gun player raised out to 1400, blinds were 300/600. The next person to act, who had just recently come over to the table thanks to a table break, was someone I already had figured for a "call with any two pre-flop" kind guy. He made the call and I looked down at A-Ks. I make it 3000 to go, original raiser folds and "any two" calls off 1/3 of his stack.
Right at that moment I thought to myself "he's pushing any flop". Flop comes something like 10-6-2, he picks up his chips and goes all in. I almost certainly had the best hand preflop, which means I most likely still have the best hand. I do think about it for a couple of seconds but given his pre-flop range was 80-90% of hands and this was such an obvious spot for him to try and make a move I call.
He rolls over 3-4.
My ace holds up.
I told Joann I'm going to switch from "Puppetmaster" to "Bluffcatcher". This was an easy one, but I've been catching a lot of bluffs online and I'm happy to say it's translated into my live game.
So I double up, a few hands later our table breaks down and I get moved to another table. Just a few hands in a short stack goes all in and I look down at pocket Jacks.
Calling is not an option. It's 1/2-1/3 of my stack and I don't want to have to try and play jacks post-flop if there's another caller. So basically I'm going all-in to isolate or I'm folding...and I don't see ever folding Jacks to a short stack all in...so I go all in. Guy on the other side of me immediately goes all in. Dammit, that can't be good...
Original all in had 10s, guy who went over the top of me had Queens. A 10 hit, a Jack did not and I was done. Ugh.
A quick aside: That's probably the 4th time I've seen a three-way all in with consecutive pairs on this trip, not necessarily involving me although now that I think about it there was another one when I had a big stack, me and someone else called down a very short stack when I had 8s and it turned out short stack had 9s, other caller had 7s.
I've also see a lot of quads, all flopped. 3's one time (on a dark all-in described in another blog entry I think), and three times flopped quad Queens. Thankfully that time I had KK on a Q-Q-K flop was not one of them, but as I'd mentioned it did cross my mind.
But I digress...
Hung out watching the start of the football game at the Aria sports book and then headed into the 7:00.
Started out great. I actually had quite a few good starting hands and several of them hit. But then I had a run of small-to-middle pairs and I called off a chunk of chips trying to hit sets and stack someone.
Another quick aside: I don't believe I have flopped a set all week in situations where I was hoping to stack someone post-flop. I'm sure I hit here and there on preflop all-ins, but it would have been nice to catch just one where I had a chance to stack someone with 20-50 BB stacks.
Well long story short, I blew half my stack when I loose player raised preflop and I called with A-K of diamonds. Flop was something like 10-9-4 w/ two diamonds, he bet out and I decided to make a move and raise. He called quickly, which was not good. I turned a Q to make it a straight draw, a flush draw and two overs, he made a small bet (so either he had a monster or he had a borderline hand and was making a blocking bet), I called, but I missed the river and had to give it up.
I got all-in on a flip and lost and went to the cage to rebuy.
Next table also started out great. Caught a boat and got paid some (A-7 flopped 778, turned an ace), cracked aces with J-10 to double up, caught another boat and got paid again (reraised with A-K, flop came A-K-x, turn another A, after checking flop and turn I value bet the river and he called w/ QQ). Before I knew it we were down to three tables of 30 with 9 getting paid and I had a decent sized chip stack.
I was able to build it up a little as blinds went up and people dropped out, but when we got down to two tables I went a little card dead and blinds started to catch up to me. Had a couple of hands that didn't work out, more people dropped off and when we were down to 15 players I was almost exactly at 10 big blinds and one of the shortest stacks.
Big stack raises out, I look down at A-Js and push all in, folds back around to him and he sits there and counts out the chips...thinks about it for about 20 seconds, lets out a sigh, puts the chips out and turns over pocket kings.
Someone else at the table said "you had to think about that?" Honestly, I think he really was thinking about it.
Worst part was, when the board ran out x-10-J-Q-A he thought he lost and couldn't understand why they were pushing the chips his way and I was leaving the table...
Oh well. Busted out 6 from the money, another good, deep run. Poker is always more fun when you catch some cards and can play from the strength of a big stack! Just one of those classic cases of all the cards coming early and not enough of them coming late. Oh well.
Friday is "getaway day" for us, but Joann has let me know she's OK with me playing in the 1:00 today and driving home whenever I cash or bust out so I'll do the phony "if you're going to twist my arm..." and play.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 6 - Close again, time to go home
Day 5 - Another deep run
Day 4 - Aria...where else?
Day 3 - Aria, Aria
Days 1 and 2 - Date night and Aria
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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