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Vegas March 2014

Day 4 - Aria...where else?
Last Updated: 2014-03-15 10:45:55
Joann and I had lunch with Roy Hartwell today, for the folks who aren't former Boeing/GPS people Roy worked with us until he retired a few years back and until then he was an occasional player in our poker game. He moved to Las Vegas for health reasons and for anyone who hasn't seen him in a while he's lost a bunch of weight, looks great and he and his wife are traveling the world. It was great catching up and as often as Joann and I are in Vegas we need to make sure we don't take this long to get together again!
Before I get to my day, I have to mention that I left something out of yesterday's BLOG. Let's just say Joann is carrying the team so far on this trip. If you read the June 2013 BLOG you might recall that Joann had a great week playing the slots and hitting a few good sized payouts.
Well she topped them all Thursday and won a few more bucks today. I may have tweeted something about how I need to reconsider poker on these trips the way she's going!
After lunch it was on to the Aria Poker Room.
It started out pretty crappy. I was quickly down half my stack getting to the river second-best three times including flopping trip 10s and losing out to a turned straight. But before we went to break I did score a double-up to get back to starting stack when I flopped a set of 9s, turned 9s full of 6s and got all the chips in on the river. As it turned out he had a 6 and caught what was the perfect river card for me - a 7 that gave him a worse full house.
After the first break I had probably my best run of cards on the trip and over the next three rounds I doubled up to around 19K going into the second break.
But things took an ugly turn after that. Blew 1/4 of my stack on a pair vs pair where mine wasn't the best, had a couple of other tough breaks and when I got under 10BB I made a button shove with J-10 suited after everyone folded to me and ran into A-Q. Q in the door, drawing dead on the turn. Ugh.
That was my worst day so far in the 1:00, because again I made it to the mid-30s in players remaining but this time the field was only 102 instead of 111 Wednesday and 122 Thursday. I'm pretty happy with my week in that tournament.
So #OnToTheNextOne (@prclark3 on Twitter! I expect I'll be using that hashtag a lot in June...)
In contrast, I'm starting to think I should just give up on the 7:00. Tonight was my first rebuy of the trip.
No cards whatsoever in the first three levels (to the point where the guy next to me said I must have been getting the worst cards on the planet, and he was right...) until just before the first break. I pick up one small pot, I'm below starting stack, and the guy who commented on the fact that I'd barely played a hand calls me down when I flop top pair and he ends up getting all my chips when he catches a set with his pocket under pair on the turn. Ouch.
Last hand before the break, so I took my time about getting bought back in and ask for a different table.
Started out much better. Won a few pots, built my way up to 13K by the second break. Come back from the break, a few hands in I pick up pocket kings and "half up". Wow, 20K chips! I'm feeling good right now!
Just a few hands later tho 2/3 of it goes away when I play A-K, flop a King and lose to a set of sixes. Double ouch.
So I'm down at a little over 6K with blinds 600/1200. No action on my first three all-ins (QJs, AKs, KQs, not bad in a space of about 12 hands when that short stacked), but then I give some back in blinds and end up doing the no-look-shove thing when it folds around to me in the small and just enough fold equity...and naturally the big blind wakes up with AJs...and catches a jack (my 83o was live at least!).
25th-ish out of 69. Not bad, but I did pay double to play so not good either.
The plan for Saturday is brunch at the Bellagio Buffet, poker at Aria...and who knows, maybe a concert! Pete's Poker Room's house band (that would be TOOL) just happens to be doing a mini tour right now and they're here in town tonight. Joann and I have tickets for the last show of the tour in Phoenix in less than two weeks, but while Joann was hanging out in the sports book she overheard someone buying tickets online so we know there are seats available...and it's not like that 7:00 tournament has gone well for me...so you never know!
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 5 - Oh so close, and done
Day 4 - Aria...where else?
Day 3 - Aria only once
Days 1 and 2 - Arrival, Aria twice
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Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
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