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Vegas June 2014 (WSOP)

Day 1 - Monster Stack news, warmup @Aria
Last Updated: 2014-06-26 12:17:18
Easy drive from Chandler as usual, took me 4 hrs and 40 minutes. Saw the new "Interstate 11 coming soon" signs, that was about all of the excitement.
Went straight to Rio to get my seat assignment for Thursday, I will be in Brasilia Blue, Table 5, Seat 4. Walked around a little bit, but since it was well before any tournaments started for the day it was pretty empty.
Checked in at the Luxor and they put me in one of the newer towers rather than in the pyramid. These are nice rooms, especially for the price.
Then it was on to the Aria Buffet for a quick lunch and down to the poker room for a late entry. All said and done they got 236 entries, 27 places paid, $12K first prize for a $235 buyin and I would venture to say the largest tournament I've played in at Aria in all these years (I don't think I saw them crack 200 before, wonder if they added tables this year...didn't seem like it but maybe).
One quick aside before I talk about the poker...
When the WSOP schedule came out I immediately said to whoever would listen that A) The monster stack was the best deal they've ever had for "the masses"; B) The field would be massive and they were crazy for only scheduling one "day 1".
Well guess what...my second table in today's tournament was all abuzz with news of the Monster stack...
In spite of a lot of whining from certain pros who need to get over themselves, the staff at the WSOP does an awesome job beginning to end. Coming up with a great schedule every year (there were aspects I didn't like, but that's my issue, doesn't mean I don't respect the job they did!) and running these massive tournaments for an entire month has to be a logistical nightmare and yet they manage to pull it off wonderfully year in and year out. I can't say enough about how well run the WSOP is.
But they blew it with this one :-)
And they are fixing it!
The monster stack now has two starting flights on Thursday due to overwhelming demand. DUH!!!click here for the full article, but to bottom line it:
  • First flight will be at noon, second at 5PM (Twitter update - noon is SOLD OUT. Gee I'm shocked)
  • Players who have seat assignments for noon already can volunteer to switch to 5 (I am sticking w/ noon)
  • No re-entry if you bust out at noon
  • All deepstacks are cancelled Thursday and Friday to accommodate the massive crowd they now realize they're getting
  • Day 1 has been cut to 9 levels from 11, both flights will play 9 levels, 5pm players should finish 3:30am
  • Both flights will combine and restart at 3pm Friday
  • They still think this will be a 4-day tournament. Good luck with that! I would bet on a 5th day
So back to poker at Aria.
I was card dead beyond belief the entire tournament. After missing level 1 I won only 2-3 pots levels 2-4 and was down to 9500 chips from my 12K starting stack.
It didn't get any better after the break. My stack was dwindling to the point of half a stack and barely 10BB when I got away with one shove with rags then the next hand picked up K-J offsuit, nobody put out any chips ahead of me so I pushed again.
Called by 9-9 and A-K. Oops. Dealer counts out the flop...I see a Jack in the door! Flop rag-K-J. Turn provides a straight draw for A-K but K-J holds up and I triple up. Then we color up, so blinds go up and thanks to the clock my triple only has me at 15 bigs.
No cards again rounds 7 or 8, except I did finally pick up KK but got no action. So level 8 is coming to an end, I figure everyone wants to get out of dodge, I look down at A-J off, figure I surely can get away with an all-in...nope. I get called by A-Qo.
Flop 10-Q-K. Can't make it up! Another double up, but again it's only keeping me barely above water as the blinds are going up.
Shortly after the break a short stack who was a little on tilt (was the big stack, not any more) went all in and I look down at 99. I call figuring I'm probably good. The small blind then calls, barely has any chips left behind, dark shoves before the flop and I call.
Short stack on tilt shows KK, other guy shows 33 (really???). Flop rag-J-9. I crack Kings.
So three preflop all-ins I'm involved with, three times I have by far the worst hand (well OK I had 33 beat) and I won all three.
But otherwise I'm completely card dead.
For the first time I had some chips to play with. And we're not all that far from the money.
Well long story short since I'm going on a bit...
We get closer and closer to the money, it's all I can do to maintain my stack but the blinds keep going up and mt stack isn't. At 9 from the money they redraw all seats and a guy sits down next to me that I used to play with at Jerry's game! Small poker world...
So 5 from the money I'm at almost exactly 10BB. We're about to go on dinner break and my stack is about to go from 10BB to like 7BB. I look down at A-K and go all-in. I get one caller with 6-6. At least I'm a little behind instead of a lot behind like all my other all-in confrontations.
Flop comes K-5-K. Yes!!!
6 on the turn. Dammit!!!
So I'm left with 4000 chips, and I have to wait 45 minutes for a dinner break before I can play the next hand. Unreal.
I come back to 3000/6000 blinds and a 1000 ante. I'm under the gun and look at 2-7 offsuit. Can't make it up. I fold.
So now I'm down to 3000, I ante and put up 2000 for the big blind, someone raises out and protects me, I'm all in with 10-2. And I spike a 2 on the river!
So now 14K chips, but 1000 ante and 3000 blind so I'm already in for a lot of my stack. Again one raiser, I call with A-6 off. He rolls over K-Q off.
For the first time the entire day I'm finally ahead!!!
Queen on the flop and I'm done 4 from the money. Sonofabitch.
So the plan for tomorrow, since this isn't exactly a late night, is a big, early breakfast followed by chillin' out watching the World Cup. That should leave me one hour to get to the Rio and get to my seat. Plenty of time.
It's probably gonna start a little late anyway with that massive field they're getting.
Wish me luck!
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 4 - WSOP Deepstack
Day 3 - WSOP Day 2
Day 2 - The Monster Stack
Day 1 - Monster Stack news, warmup @Aria
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