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Vegas July 2014 - Main Event satellite

Day 4 - WSOP Deepstack
Last Updated: 2014-07-07 11:44:03
It's official, they are considering putting my picture in the dictionary next to the term "running bad". All I can say after last night is WOW.
After the usual morning ritual of me getting tea, Joann sleeping in and then the two of us hitting the pool, I ran over to Rio to buy in early for the 3:00 tournament. It occurred to me that I was buying in rather early to everything I was playing in and was getting on tables that were on aisles a lot, which meant Joann could always hang out fairly close by. Now I was going to experiment to test the theory...
I go to buy in and get told that the tournament was not going to start until 6:00. Ugh. Didn't want to have to wait that long to play, but didn't have a better plan either. I buy in. And forget to see what table I was at, but as luck had it I did later find out I was on an aisle.
We hit Spice Market buffet at Planet Hollywood, and it was not our best experience there. First they used the 4th holiday as an excuse to charge dinner price for lunch (proclaiming their 4th of July menu, which looked a whole lot like their regular menu with a dinner price for lunch...). Stations were persistently unmanned, food was not getting replaced when empty. Not good. But it does speak to my belief that buffets are always better when they're busy.
We then wandered around the Miracle Mile shops but there were very few shops we bothered to go into. There is a Chipotle coming soon tho! That will be convenient.
Back up to the room for a nap and then on to Rio.
I get there without a lot of time to spare to get to my table, hustle over...and it's empty. No dealer, no players, but a bunch of tables around it with players and lots of poker being played. Argh! Main event Day 1B bigger than anticipated, start time pushed back to 8:00. 2 hrs to kill...
Eventually we get started, and I am card dead. And at a tough table, a couple of aggressive players half way around the table from each other which meant every pot was contested and a lot of flops were seen. In the first four levels (2 hrs) I think I won two pots, 3 at most.
The last hand I won late in the 4th level (150/300) was where I'm in the big blind and there are 5 limper's in the pot, i look down at pocket kings and I make it 1200 to go. So I've played all of 5 or so hands in almost two hours of poker, my image is that I'm the tightest player to ever sit at a poker table, I raise out for like the 2nd or 3rd time in that almost two hours...and naturally nobody believes me and they all call.
Flop comes A-Q-10 rainbow. There's a great flop in a 6-way pot for kings. Check around. Turn is a blank, check around again. Note that in position I bet here because as loose as the table was its not getting checked around twice if ANY of these guys has any ace at all and I have straight blockers...river is a jack.
I bet 2500, get one caller, he turns over K9o and we chop. It actually got me back close to starting stack, but still it sucked not getting that whole pot with my blockers.
Break time, we come back and not too far into the 5th round someone makes it 1100 (200/400/25) to go. The guy to my immediate right then makes it something around 2700 and I look down at pocket aces.
I reraise to 5100, it folds around, he thinks and goes all-in, I don't think and call.
Aces vs aces.
Flop comes something like 4-5-7 all diamonds. I check, my aces are clubs and hearts. Diamond on the turn, I'm done. I might have had a straight flush draw to chop, but didn't look to see when a black card came on the river.
Aces cracked by aces. Ouch.
I didn't think it was possible for me to run worse than I already was, but there you go.
Here's a recap of my summer so far:
Lose with A-K to sixes on a flop of K-5-K at Aria and bust four from money.
Aces cracked by 99 at day 2 of the monster stack.
Aces cracked by 8-7 in my first depstack, but I survive, come back and cash.
KK loses to QQ after all in on the flop in the main event satellite (Q on the river).
And now aces cracked by aces of all things.
Monday is a planned day off, I probably won't do a blog but you never know.
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Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2014-07-08 12:11:28
t's called "running like werle", says my friend bob, his was KK < QQ QQ < 88, AK < A7
Other Entries This Blog:
Days 9 and 10 - Aria and more Aria
Day 8 - Aria finally
Day 7 - WSOP deepstack again
Days 5 & 6 - Date night, Deepstack
Day 4 - WSOP Deepstack
Day 3 - Main Event Satellite
Days 1 and 2 - Just hangin' around
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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