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Vegas July 2014 - Main Event satellite

Days 5 & 6 - Date night, Deepstack
Last Updated: 2014-07-09 14:21:25
Monday was a planned day off, tho I have to admit it almost wasn't.
Cloudy in the morning so no pool, we hit the outlets in the afternoon and I was very disappointed to find out that my store has shut down. They used to have a Spyder outlet that always had things on clearance this time of year and we've gotten some great deals. But a ski apparel store in the desert? Guess I shouldn't be surprised it's no longer there. Joann did well at the Coach outlet tho, they were having a massive clearance with 50% off the entire purchase including already reduced items and 70% off things actually marked "clearance". Two purses and two wallets for almost exactly the original price of one of the purses.
Then dinner at Smith and Wollensky's. This is now becoming a tradition for our Vegas trips. Not that being here itself isn't an indulgence, but we really don't go to expensive restaurants ever. And it was awesome as usual.
So then we had an entire evening to kill...what to to, what to do...
This week Aria has been running a World Poker Tour event, their equivalent of the WSOP circuit events. Much lower buyins with a "main event" that had only a $565 buyin. They planned 5 "Day 1s" where they were going to play down to 5% of the field every day with everyone who finished those days with chips returning for a final "Day 2" on Wednesday. The thing was, they guaranteed a million dollar prize pool and a $200k first prize. And they ran evening satellites for only $150 to win your way into the main event.
I wasn't going to play in it since I was doing the WSOP thing, but we really didn't have anything else planned for the rest of our evening so what the heck. We decide I'm going to play.
Well it turned out that they were so overwhelmed by entries that day and had so many alternates that 6-7 hours after the tournament started (when we got there) they still did not have an empty table because they were still seating people. I guess if you're going to guarantee a million dollars you had better be prepared for overwhelming crowds...
They got almost 800 players in a poker room set up for about 400.
I chatted with tournament director extraordinare Matt Savage for a minute, he said they hoped to run single table satellites if he ever got empty tables, hopefully in an hour or two. But when I went back down they were already overwhelmed by buyins for the next day (already over 700 I heard) that they couldn't run satellites for people who not only wouldn't get assigned seats but probably wouldn't get in until 4+ hrs into the tournament. Wow! They ended up over 900 for Tuesday...
That meant that I was sticking with my Tuesday plan, the WSOP 3:00 deepstack.
Lunch at the Bacchanal(?) Buffet at Caesar's, excellent as usual. Second on my list, I'm guessing a tie for first for Joann with Bellagio. Then on to the deepstack and hopefully an end to my frustrations.
Started out great.
I'm playing a little tight as usual in the early rounds, but in the cutoff I raise out and get 2-3 callers (I think 100/200 so I probably made it 500) with KJ offsuit. Flop comes J-6-3, I make it 1600 and only the button calls. Turn is a 7, I go 1600 again and he thinks a bit and calls.
River pairs the 6. I check and he instantly goes all in, and I went immediately into the tank.
This made no sense to me. And such a quick all in is one of the oldest tells in the book. It's the most blatant sign of a bluff there is. But if I call and I lose the pot I'm not crippled relative to blinds, but it's at least 2/3 of my stack.
It took me a while to muster up the courage to make the call I knew I needed to make. He wasn't calling me down like that with a 6. He could have called post-flop with 33 or even reasonably with 77, but if he has a monster isn't he going to value bet? And he didn't play the hand at all like he had a bigger pair. This is all going through my head...twice I started to call and stopped...finally tossed my chips in and he turned over 10-10.
Whew! I turned to Joann and said "he bet too fast, had to be a bluff".
I'm up to 37K from a start of 15K and that's about how I go into break.
Alas the next set of rounds between breaks was brutal. I didn't win a pot for the entire 2 hrs I don't think. Just no cards and no spots to try and steal. Best hand I had was 10-10, I called a preflop raise from a guy who wasn't playing a lot of pots. Flop came Q-J-rag with two hearts, I fold to his continuation bet and he shows me A-K of hearts. Talk about the wrong flop for me.
Second break down to 22K, which I suppose is an accomplishment for not winning a pot for 2 hrs. The good news is I'm still playing and we're in the 200's out of 769 with 81 paying.
I finally get a rush of cards after that break. I double up within 20 minutes without ever having to show my cards. Well, except when an extremely short stacked player (who was crippled down to one single 100 chip, won a series of pots and was up over 4000) was in a big blind he couldn't afford, I was the small blind, folds to me, I look at one ace and shove figuring I'm well ahead of a random hand with an ace...he thinks a while and folds, I say I only looked at one, show up the ace, open the other one...and it's an ace. Ouch! But technically I didn't have to show my cards.
Well I suppose I should be glad they didn't get cracked.
Unfortunately it was pretty ABC from that point on. Blinds went up quickly, and I would get my stack to 15-20 BB only to have the blinds go up and knock me back around 10BB. All I could do was try to grind my way into the money. For example, about 36 from the money I doubled up to 76K when 88 held up against A-10cc with blinds at 2000/4000, but gave some of that back with pocket 9s not too much later and then the blinds went up to 3000/6000 putting me under 10 bigs.
I ended up busting out 100th paying 81, and I know it was 100th because we were playing 9 handed and they broke up a table as soon as I got up. 11 full tables left.
19 from the money out of 769, another deep but not deep enough run for me.
The plan from here is simple. Aria is still doing the WPT thing one more day, so it will be the WSOP Deepstack one more time Wednesday and then Aria dailies Thursday through Saturday.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Days 9 and 10 - Aria and more Aria
Day 8 - Aria finally
Day 7 - WSOP deepstack again
Days 5 & 6 - Date night, Deepstack
Day 4 - WSOP Deepstack
Day 3 - Main Event Satellite
Days 1 and 2 - Just hangin' around
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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