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Vegas June 2016 (WSOP Seniors, Solstice)

Day 5 - The Day That Nothing Happened
Last Updated: 2016-06-20 09:09:52
Couldn't find the video (only found what I guess is someone's personal remake on youtube), but in case anyone doesn't get the title reference here's a link to the script.
Just adding this entry in for completeness. Not a lot to talk about.
Took our time checking out of New York, New York and getting to the outlets for some shopping. Joann picked up a couple of purses, we both got some clothes at Gap...but that was it. No expensive watches or sunglasses for me, no Burberry for Joann.
Lunch at Chipotle. That's a stretch. For the record I offered to go to In-N-Out, but there's a new Chipotle in the outlets so we didn't have to drive or interrupt the shopping.
They were out of beans. How does Chipotle run out of beans? I don't eat them but Joann usually does. But OK, fine.
They also ran out of forks. Sort of. They were very low and had some hidden behind the counter. You'd think when someone orders a salad "for here" they'd produce one. I get not being forthcoming for people who want to eat their burrito with a fork when they need to conserve...but a salad is a little tough to eat with a spoon. When I asked the young woman at the counter if they had any she said they were out...then went over and pulled out a little can of them from under the counter and handed one over. Actually asked me if I wanted one or two.
While we were there apparently someone must have gone and gotten some forks from a different location because about half way through the meal a box appeared...
Checked in to Aria, grabbed a shower and it was on to Bellagio Buffet for dinner. Much better experience than breakfast the other morning.
A little time at the slot machines for Joann, then up to the room for an early night.
That's all, folks. Like Jeff "Pretty Boy" Probst after the immunity challenge is over I got nothin' for ya.
Monday I will be at the Rio in the Brasilia room sitting at table 50 seat 1 (hate the 1 seat!) at 11am for the Summer Solstice Event. 90-minute rounds instead of the usual 60, 7500 chips to start. They claim on the website that the 50% longer round length will make it play like the Monster Stack even tho you start with half the number of chips. They are planning on it taking 5 days to complete, so this could be all I do until the Monster Stack.
We did the math on Sunday, and as I mentioned in yesterday's BLOG this is a bit of a change in plans. I'm cutting out all rebuys and second tournaments to fit this into this week's bankroll. So until I hit a good sized cash in something I'm "one-and-done" every day the rest of the week.
Friday remains a planned day off and I'll be buying into Day "1B" for the Monster Stack on Saturday.
Wish me luck!
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Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2016-06-21 15:19:11
wait - burrito , check in . shower, and then its time for buffet? no wonder you do rim to rim, to lose calories
Mike "The Great" Dolloff: 2016-06-20 15:26:54
Kick some Monster ass Pete! Good luck
Other Entries This Blog:
Days 11 and 12 - Aria, really one day
Days 9 and 10 - Rock bottom, deep runs
Day 8 - WSOP DS and Aria again
Day 7 - WSOP Deepstack, Aria
Day 6 - WSOP Summer Solstice
Day 5 - The Day That Nothing Happened
Day 4 - WSOP Daily Deepstack
Day 3 - WSOP Seniors Tournament
Days 1 and 2 - Drive and dinner
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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