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Vegas July 2016 (WSOP Tag Team)

Day 2 - Tag Team
Last Updated: 2016-07-07 13:39:31
They got 836 teams for the Tag Team event. I hope that's enough that they try again next year.
As with any new event they were learning even during registration and changed their mind about a few minor things. First each teammate had to play one orbit the first time they sat down. That changed to pay one set of blinds, which gave us the amusing option of having the first person play two hands and walk away since we started in the big blind. We didn't...
They also changed the registration rules, and they were going to require every player provide ID every time they came back to the table (that thankfully got dropped after round two, by then everyone at the table could recognize people).
At the end of the day, what could have been a mess worked out pretty well. If they had the same number of teams next year, my suggestion to them would be that they spread out a little more and not use tables far away from the aisles (where teammates had to wait along with spectators). With under 1000 teams, they had plenty of tables in other rooms they could have used and thinned things out. But that's really all I would change.
So we were in the 2-seat. In the 10-seat I eventually figured out we were up against team "Matt Glanz." In the 3-seat was a young woman who seemed like a solid player. Eventually her teammate showed up and he happened to have a Colorado drivers license so I chatted him up a bit. Turned out he's the guy who won the Millionaire Maker last year. And her teammate took second in the Ladies event last year. Adrian Buckley and Mikiyo Aoki. Nothing tough about this table...you can see Aoki HERE near the bottom of the page along with some other teams. Oh and when Buckley sat in for the first time he told me he'd only be around for a couple of hours because he had a 3pm tournament to play in. Oh, the $25K high roller PLO tournament? Must be nice...
OK some more quick name dropping. One table aside of us had "Team Daniel Negraneau and David Williams". Wow. How'd you like to have one of those guys sit at your table and when you get rid of him the other guy sits in his place. Oh, wait, turns out they also have Maria Ho and Vanessa Selbst on their team.
At the table behind us was "Team Jonathan Little and his dad". The whole room was abuzz about that team. Apparently in the first round or so "dad" ran into quads...and drew out a straight flush. Then had aces, kings and queens all hold up and had a massive stack very early in the tournament. Found out later mom is on the team too. They're in the money.
And at the table next to the Little/Little/Little table was "Team Jamie Gold and Montel Williams". They're playing for charity, good for them. OK, on to US!
First round for us was basically break even until very late in the round. I had to fold trip queens to Aoki when I had Q-9 on a board of 10-K-Q-Q-3. There were too many hands that beat me that she could have been playing and to that point when she bet strong and got called she had it. Built back to a starting stack when Patrick had to fold a flopped two-pair to her river bet when the board had a four-flush. That cost us about 1000 chips so into round 2 at 4k.
Patrick would later overhear Aoki and Buckley talking and her telling him she had pulled off one bluff when the board had a 4-flush on it...oh well.
So down to 4k going into round two. By the middle of the round we were down to about 3500 when I got all in with A-J on a board of X-X-J-10. Top/top. Ran into AA.
J on the river. Doubled up. Yes!
But before the end of the round, Patrick got all in with a short stack with JJ and ran into QQ. Flop included a J...but also a Q. Back a little under starting stack going into first break.
After that we were basically grinding a short stack, as was most of the table, the rest of the day. I got us back near starting stack when I took some chips from "Team Glanz" when a board had three clubs and me with A-6, honestly didn't remember which was the club and I wasn't going to do a club check but bet my draw anyway and he called. River brought 4th club, I value bet my possible nut flush, he folded. Turned out the 6 was the club :-)
But not long after that, I was all in against a short stack myself with QQ, ran into AK and he rivered the ace. We were down to 2650 at that point with blinds 100/200. Not good.
Well eventually I got us all in with an ace, ran into a bigger ace, no help and we were done with 4 minutes left in round 4.
So 4-ish hours of action, lots of fun, would definitely do it again.
We bought into the 5pm deep stack at the Rio. 10K starting chips, $185.
Patrick had it tough. Guy directly to his right was raising and basically 100% of hands and calling every reraise. He quickly built his stack up to 25K. Hard to make any moves when a guy plays like that and you don't have cards. He did last past the first break, tho, with about 7500 chips.
I started joking with him about a last-longer bet when I found out the difficult position he was in.
I was around 11K about half way through round two when I raised out with A-K and the guy to my left, who was also playing about 80-90% of hands but mostly limping and calling small raises, went over the top and I called. Flop came K-9-7. I check-called flop, turn and river bets...and ran into aces. Of course he had aces.
I think I lost the minimum and was happy to still be playing with half a starting stack after that. I could have been out. He was playing so many hands, but for some reason I sensed something was up and that's why I check-called every street. Guess the Spidey-Sense was working.
I rescinded my last-longer bet off with Patrick :-)
But later that same guy would double me up when I got all in against him and him drawing dead. I had trip jacks, he had second pair so even if he caught trips it would have given me a full house and two-pair no good for him.
Into first break around 12K from the 10K start.
In neutral through round 5, in round 6 I got a middle size stack all in when I had A-K and he had A-10, he drew out a flush and I was back down around 4500 chips. Ugh. But I eventually doubled when I got a little lucky all in with A-7 against JJ when I rivered an ace (I had turned a nut flush draw as well tho). Seemed like anyone who got in behind with an ace was drawing out at that table a lot around that time. Meanwhile, Patrick busted when he got all in with top pair against middle pair and they caught two pair. Ugh.
After that I took off. Won some decent pots, then got a couple takeouts when the better ace held up and then picked up aces, raised out and had a woman with just 66 go over the top all in. Aces held up.
Before I knew it I was up to 40K. Thing were looking good.
270 in the tournament, 41 paying and we got down under 100 players left.
I can always tell the difference between guys who are pretending to be ignorant tourists and guys who actually are ignorant tourists. There was a guy in the one-seat who was clearly the latter. Didn't know how to bet even, kept placing bets directly in front of his stack so nobody knew he had made it. Kept betting out of turn, kept trying to call but putting out enough chips to raise (dealers were being VERY nice to him and letting him pull chips back...), etc.
But....every time he got all in, he doubled up. And built up a big stack.
So I get a card dead stretch and I'm back just over 30K. In that stretch I laid down JJ on an all-under flop to him. To that point, he had almost never raised out in a pot. All he ever did was limp and call raises. Never open raise. But that time he did, and I called pre- in case he had AK or AQ or I could hit something...but the flop came all hearts and all unders and he still led out and there was no doubt he had something better than JJ.
Not long after that I raise out with 66 and only tourist calls.
Flop comes K-Q-6. He bets out for about 1/3 of my stack. I call.
Turn an ace. He essentially puts me all in. I beat him in the pot.
He rolls over A-K.
Ace on the river...done. Probably 88th or 89th with 41 paying. Dammit!!!
Nothing is guaranteed, but if I'm over 60K in that spot with about half the field getting into the money I'm going to end up cashing a very large percentage of the time.
Sigh. I'm still steaming a little.
I'll say this much: The fact that he didn't re-raise with A-K confirms my read with the jacks earlier.
Drowned my sorrows with Patrick with some Black and Tans at Tom's Urban at the hotel, then up to bed.
Thursday we have no choice but the 2pm at Rio. No tournaments at Aria, and in fact no 7pm tournaments at all until the end of the WSOP. So today it's Rio. Friday and Saturday it could be Aria at 11am or Rio at 2pm. We'll see.
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Day 2 - Tag Team
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Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
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