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Vegas December 2016

Day 2 - Aria, Aria
Last Updated: 2016-12-14 13:22:38
Met up with Jim after finishing up yesterday's entry. Breakfast at Serendipity outside of Caesar's and I would eat there again. Part of the purpose of eating there was to stall until stores opened in the mall so I could do some quick Xmas shopping...
Then it was on to Aria for the 11am.
20k starting stack and 30 minute levels, good format for the money!
I was hoping if we bought in at the same time we would be less likely to be at the same table. That didn't work out very well. Jim got the 4 seat and I the 9 seat at table 11.
In the first round I flopped a straight and caught pocket kings. I ended the round down at 17k and was lucky to have that I think...
Guy in the 7 seat was playing a lot of hands. He was the guy I flopped sets of 8s against twice the night before. That made it tough for me to try and steal blinds once in a while. But one time he folds and I look down at 8-6 of diamonds late to act and decide to raise out. Get 4 callers including the BB.
Flop comes 7-9-10 two clubs.
I lead out, it folds to the BB who goes over the top. All the chips go in and he rolls over...8-6.
8-6 of clubs that is. I'm being freerolled...board runs out no more clubs, chop it up.
Had to give up the kings after getting check-raised on a 3-4-10 flop, I called that bet but 10 on the turn drove me out.
Jim meanwhile wasn't faring much better. He flopped a set of jacks only to see the board 4-flush but actually lose to a top pair that turned into a straight. Not long after taking that hit yours truly took another big bite out of his stack.
I was in the big blind, dunno if I called a raise or if it was a limped pot but I had Q-8 off.
Flop comes K-8-8.
I check, other guy checks, Jim leads out. Uh-oh.
I check raise. I really hope Jim gets the hint. Nope. He calls...
8 on the turn. Quads. Check-check.
Q on the river. I lead out for a little less than half Jim's remaining stack and he calls, later telling me he had a king.
Jim milked the short stack for quite a while after that. I couldn't get much going, ended up going to break with a starting stack.
After the break more of the same. Jim ended up getting all in with an ace and ran into a better ace. I went card dead, couldn't play many hands and couldn't hit when I did play. Seemed like every raise I had 4-5 callers including at least two with position on me...and the flops just never hit me.
Eventually I got all in on a flip (my AK of clubs vs 77) and doubled up to about 25k, but within three hands I was back down around 16k. Worst one was where I am absolutely positive I had an "any ace" guy betting into me and me having pocket 10s...but an ace on the river and I saw his hand start shaking, had to give it up. I'm positive my read was right, dammit, no doubt in my mind he had flopped a small pair with a weak ace and hit the river.
Eventually I get all in with QQ, run into KK and I was done.
Beer and a snack at Tom's Urban, hang out for a little while and on to the 7pm.
For me, even worse. Early on raised out under the gun with QQ and get three callers. Flop A-rag-rag. Check around, K turn. Check around again. Q on the river. I lead out with my rivered set, guy goes over the top, I know he has J-10 but I call in case I'm wrong. Nope.
Later flop a set of 9s and get no action.
First break I'm down to 4700 from 10k starting stack. Go all in with J-10 suited soon after break, called by A-K, flop a gutshot and still have two live cards...but no help, done.
When I left Jim was still above starting stack. Dunno how he did yet.
Couple of slices, a little dessert and I'm done early for the day.
Sunday we can watch a quarter or so of the Eagles before we head to Aria for the 11am.
UPDATE: In case you missed it on FB, Jim 3-bet all in with A-Q and ran into aces just before the color-up. 36th of 84
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Pete "The Puppetmaster" Clark: 2016-12-15 15:22:48
With position or against a single caller or with bigger pots I would agree with you Nick ... but multiple callers behind me and stacks big relative to blinds (and therefore heavy RIO) it's too likely one of them has an ace and no chance of getting any ace to fold, and if nobody has an ace can probably check it down and win the pot with no risk...
Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2016-12-11 14:15:51
you needed contintue bet with those Queens on ace rag board
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Day 4 - Aria, Aria part 3
Day 3 - Aria, Aria part 2
Day 2 - Aria, Aria
Day 1 - Travel, catching up, Aria
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