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Vegas June 2018 (WSOP)

Days 6/7 - Day off, WSOP PLO
Last Updated: 2018-06-15 13:11:37
Took a day off from poker on Wednesday.
In-N-Out for lunch.
Hit the outlets at Primm because they had a Le Creuset outlet and Vegas doesn't. At least half of the "stores" were empty spaces, ditto the food court. Dunno how the place is even in business. Shame because it's a nice place overall and it's an easy drive. BUT unless they can attract some unique businesses there's not much reason to go down there and their customer base is pretty much limited to people driving to/from California to Vegas. I can go to Nike, Sketchers, Gap, etc in both of the bigger factory store complexes in Vegas. Whoever is running this place needs to attract something different!
But we got what we wanted from Le Creuset and a couple of other things along the way.
Hit the Fashion Show Mall, bought some more kitchen stuff. Tom's Urban for dinner and called it an early night.
Up early Thursday with the 11am start, went to Hash House A Go Go for breakfast. We rarely have big breakfast meals, reasonable chance this will be our only one of the trip.
On to PLO!
Didn't start out great, for the first hour I didn't have a lot of playable hands. I did call a raise with double-suited kings and he c-bet into me when I flopped a king, but that was the highlight of my first two hours. Into the break at 5975 from my 7500 starting stack.
When I get back to my seat after break my chips are in a rack with a seat card on it. I've been moved to form a new table.
Over to the bronze section, and I go from being on the rail where Joann can come and chat with me if she wants to being almost as far from the rail as possible.
Just a few hands after sitting down I get back to starting stack when A-K-2-3 with three spades (including the ace) is good on a board of 5-8-5-A-3 in a four-handed pot. I did flop a nut flush draw but being four handed with a paired board I couldn't go crazy. But nobody had a 5 or 2-4 and what was basically top pair/top kicker was good.
Moments later they break up the table. Seriously???
There is no tournament I've ever played in that's run better than the WSOP. But come on, guys! Instead of forming a new table you couldn't wait a few minutes for three people to bust out and just put those few players you wanted to seat into those seats? Sheesh!!!
I take my 8525 chips to me new table. As I'm sitting down they're breaking up the other newly formed table...come on guys!
OK I'm done with that...
And now I get the one seat. Oh and I'm 5th in the breakup order. Well 4th because they broke up that other one before my ass even hit the leather.
Drop down to about 6500 when I'm under the gun with AAT4 with only one suit. Unlike hold'em there are good aces and bad aces in Omaha. These are so-so aces. Not the worst, since I can make two straights and a nut flush. However they don't work together to make a straight with a redraw to a better straight (which is what you really want) and one of my straights can't be the nut straight and could easily get counterfieted.
That said, this is a strong hand if I can get heads-up, but it's a hand you don't want to play multi-way. And I will be out of position (which matters arguably more in PLO than in NLH) in what would most likely be a multi-way pot if I raise out. So instead of raising I just limp.
A looser player pots it, folds to another looser guy who calls, folds around to me.
This is the perfect scenario for my hand. I should be able to get heads-up with my aces. With the pot/call ahead of me I'm able to make it 3600 to go. Yes I'm pretty much playing my hand face up by limp-re-potting. That's fine as long as I can get heads up.
I repot, they look and realize I'm pot committed with more than half my stack in and not great implied odds for them. They both fold, back to 8500 or so. I would have been happy to get it all in heads-up, just as happy to increase my stack by 30% without a fight!
Work my way just over 10K, but then get moved again down at 9125. And into the one-seat again.
I will say one thing...I really, really, REALLY hope I could get the same starting hands on Saturday as I got to this point in PLO. If I get this many A-2, A-3, A-2-3, AA4X with a suit hands in 8/b Saturday I'll be chip leader by dinner break. Probably won't work out that way, but I can always hope...
I'm at that table all of 15 minutes when I get moved to a new table AGAIN!! But this time well out of the breakup range. This should be my last table change.
Just after I sit down in the 6 seat Natasha Barbour" ... er ... make that Natasha Mercier sits down in the 8-seat.
Not long after that someone busts in the 3 seat and is replaced by Jesse Sylvia.
Ms Mercier and I split a pot with top two pair, the only hand I "won" in an hour or so. But I got paid some when I flopped quad 7s to get back over 9k.
Back down around 7k with 15 minutes to go before the dinner break I get involved in a huge hand with Sylvia.
I look down at 7-8-9-10 with three clubs. Don't like having one of my own flush cards but this is a strong hand. Short of double suited aces this is exactly the kind of hand you want in Omaha! Sylvia raises out and I'm one of several callers. Had I been a big stack I probably reraise, arguably I should have, but I want to see a flop and just calling builds the pot anyway since many will inevitably call and Sylvia probably isn't folding anyway.
Flop comes 6-8-K, two diamonds and one club. I'm not thrilled with the two diamonds, but this is a massive flop for me. Any 5, 7, 9 or 10 makes me a straight, Q or J gives me more straight outs, any club gives me more flush outs. 14 outs twice to a straight. Short of flopping a straight with redraws this is as good a flop as I could hope for!
I lead out for pot. Folds to Sylvia who wants to see my stack and decides he's willing to get it all in. I call.
The good news was all he had was top pair with A-K-T-7. The bad news was 3 of my outs were only chop outs and he had two of my straight outs.
In spite of that, I was a 44.5-42.5 favorite. Got my chips in good!
Ace on the turn gave him two pair, I gained 7 flush outs tho because it was a club. I was only behind 50-42. But a second ace on the river was the end of me.
Joann looked at chip counts around 10pm and Sylvia was 3rd in chips at the time, end of day he was 15th.
Dinner at Noodle Asia at Venetian, one of our favorite restaurants in Vegas, and on to the 7pm.
Should have just gone to the room.
Completely and utterly card dead! I don't think I won a single pot.
Down to half a stack at the first break, after break I'm looking for a chance to get all in. One guy raises out ahead of me, I'm in the small blind. He's folding to a shove most of the time so I should only have to get past the big blind. Look down at QJ suited in spades, definitely profitable on the "reshove table", I go all in...and the big stack big blind wakes up with AJ in diamonds.
No help on the board, done.
Friday it will be the 11am at Aria. Patrick and Dyan arrive, Patrick is planning to play in the 7pm but I've decided I want to get some sleep before the 8/b Mix Saturday.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 17 - Aria 8/b
Day 16 - Aria...FINALLY...
Day 15 - More Aria
Day 14 - Aria
Day 13 - Day off, plan for rest of trip
Day 12 - Short run at WSOP DDS
Day 11 - Deep run at Aria
Day 10 - Aria, Rio
Day 9 - WSOP 8/b Mix
Day 8 - Quick exit Aria, liquor shopping
Days 6/7 - Day off, WSOP PLO
Day 5 - More Aria
Day 4 - Aria, Aria
Day 3 - Aria
Day 2 - WSOP 8-Game Mix
Day 1 - Drive, Dinner, "room change!!"
The plan
Why I booked the June trip in October
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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