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Vegas June 2018 (WSOP)

Day 8 - Quick exit Aria, liquor shopping
Last Updated: 2018-06-16 11:40:27
Short one today. At least I thought it was going to be short. Now that I'm proofreading maybe not so short...
Usual morning (Starbucks, pool), bought into 11am at Aria.
Won one nice pot early when I open raised to 400 with KQ of diamonds and got 2-3 callers (think blinds were 0/100/100). One thing I've noticed is that 400 seems to be the typical opening raise at this 100/100 level with the more generic standard 300 a close second. There are no "25" chips so multiples of 100 are your only options.
Flop came Td-9d-7h, made a c-bet probably 1100, got called by one guy who tended to call flop bets and float in the short time we'd been playing. Ten on the turn. I checked, he bet 2200, I called. I cannot fold a gutshot straight flush draw just because the board pairs. River king of spades. I check/called a bet of 3000, he turned over two small diamonds, had paired a 7 on the flop and turned it into a bluff.
That was the highlight of my day. Eventually got down to half a starting stack, got all in with 10-10, lost the flip to A-K and I was done.
Patrick and Dyan arrived while I was playing, they hit the pool while Joann and I went to stock up for the year at Total Wine & More. We always stock up for the year here because any volume liquor is way less expensive. 1.75L bottles of Bombay Sapphire gin is typically $40+ per bottle in Colorado, a good sale price is $35. Here it's $27 a bottle regular price and sometimes they have deals...
Didn't even fully achieve our "stock up for the year" goal, however, because we learned about their rewards program. Since we were spending a lot of money (I did say we were stocking up for the year!) someone told us that if we sign up we'd have a bunch of $5 certificates in email by tomorrow and that we shouldn't buy everything we wanted. We should spend most of our money and come back for the rest another day.
So we did...and I already have the certificates!
Two summers ago Joann and I were buying, well, let's just go with several bottles of gin and they had a deal where if you bought two you got $10 off. But you could only buy two. Half what I'd pay in CO after that discount!
Long story short at that price I grabbed another case on top of what we had, but we had to ring up two at a time. Credit cards got locked up, had to make phone calls...us and the store manager were laughing as we were going through it.
Then in 2017 no such deal advertised. We checked out, got back to the hotel and saw on the reciept that they had the deal still, but they weren't advertising it and we only got the deal on two of the "more than two" we bought. We were a little annoyed...
So this year we were ready!!! Were all set to call the credit card company and warn them so they wouldn't lock our card, all set to do several transactions...
We grab all the scotch we're buying, we ask to have a couple of cases of gin brought to the front. Pick up a rare bottle of Bourbon for Patrick, we leave Joann's wine and the few other things we want for "next time".
We had an extremely helpful person, the self dubbed "whisky girl" (deserved!), helping us out with all this and she was who suggested the rewards program thing. We ask her about the gin deal, and she goes to a workstation to check, no sign of it. It's a manufacturers promotion and it's over she says. Bummer.
So we go up to the register, no gin yet but she goes ahead and rings us up and adds it in.
The display shows $60 off!!! The promotion is still going on and don't have to buy two at a time any more! Gin!!! (pun intended! Is that a pun? I think so...)
So we're all checked out, move over to the side to wait for my gin.
Two people carrying three loose bottle each come walking up. All they have is what's on shelves, no cases in back! And only half what we paid for.
So we go to another register, manager person really unhappy about the lack of gin and inconveniencing us. It's all good, they should have more within days, we're coming back anyway. And there's another TW&M on the south side of town if we need it.
Load the loose bottles into the cart, handle the refund, put hands on cart to leave...
Wait! Hold on a second...talks into little microphone.
They found the gin! Cases on the way!
We swap out the loose bottles for the cases, charge us again for the refund amount. I get a text from the credit card company that they want to know if this is real and that my card is temporarily locked...but all I have to do is text back "1" for yes and "2" for no and we're good to go.
This is new! I like it! Good job Citi.
Back to the hotel, Patrick and Dyan help us carry everything up to the room so we do it in one trip, on to Tom's Urban for dinner. At almost every restaurant we eat at there is usually one meal I always get. This is one of the very few that have several meals I like a lot so we could eat here 3-4 times per trip easily.
Patrick bought into the 7pm at Aria, had to wait-list in but sat down by level 3 if I remember correctly. Last I heard he had doubled up when kings held up...but no texts after that so I'm guessing it didn't go well. I will update tomorrow...
UPDATE: Patrick got to 21st place, enough to cash! Good for him!
So Saturday Patrick and I are buying into the WSOP Omaha 8/b Mix. Pot-limit, Limit and "Big O" (5 cards instead of 4, pot limit, same game otherwise) in rotation. We haven't bought in yet so no seat assignments to report at this time.
Wish us both luck!
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 17 - Aria 8/b
Day 16 - Aria...FINALLY...
Day 15 - More Aria
Day 14 - Aria
Day 13 - Day off, plan for rest of trip
Day 12 - Short run at WSOP DDS
Day 11 - Deep run at Aria
Day 10 - Aria, Rio
Day 9 - WSOP 8/b Mix
Day 8 - Quick exit Aria, liquor shopping
Days 6/7 - Day off, WSOP PLO
Day 5 - More Aria
Day 4 - Aria, Aria
Day 3 - Aria
Day 2 - WSOP 8-Game Mix
Day 1 - Drive, Dinner, "room change!!"
The plan
Why I booked the June trip in October
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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