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Vegas November 2018

Day 4 - A long day (part 1?)
Last Updated: 2018-11-19 07:25:05
As I start to type this up I'm at 20 hrs since I last slept. I may break this one into two depending on how long it goes...and how quickly I start to crash. If I get through part one and hit the wall around the same time this'll be a two parter. Let's see how far I get...
Usual morning to start, did walk over to MGM to get my Starbucks because the one here at NYNY is annoying me. Got over to Aria just as early football was starting, bought in and hung out in the sports book for 20-25 mins.
I'm going to try and explain how this is sports book is laid out. In the back is an area where they take the bets. In front and to the side of that is a big area of high tables with barstools. Then there's a gap for people to walk through, then there's a walled off area filled with first-come first-served lounge chairs. The chairs all face a massive wall of TVs, enough for every game to be on 3-5 TVs depending on how many byes there are. Got that pictured in your mind?
The entrance to the walled off area is 10-15 feet wide, and I know because I've been there before many times they want that opening clear, no standing.
So there's a guy to the right of the opening to the walled off area sitting on a barstool. The wall has a counter running along it for people to sit in the barstools and fill out betting sheets.
I stand directly behind the chair to watch football. Not in any way obstructing the 15 feet of entryway they have.
And it's at least 10 feet to any high tables behind me.
But that's not good enough for security guy. Apparently even tho I'm standing behind a guy sitting at the wall, not even an elbow crossing over into the sacred entryway to the lounge chairs, I have to move over two feet. He points and I move exactly where he wants me to be. He watches me move, he's thanks me for moving to where he asked me to move, he leaves.
2-3 minutes later I have not moved my feet in any way. I'm two feet off the sacred entrance.
But now even THAT is too close. He demands that I move yet another two feet. I'm incredulous. I point out to this guy that I am standing EXACTLY WHERE HE TOLD ME TO STAND NOT 3 MINUTES AGO.
"Sir we have to keep this opening clear for the waitresses"
No, I did not use that language. I was in fact quite polite but firm in pointing out that I'm already standing exactly where he said I should and that I haven't moved an inch since he told me to stand there.
And yes, I moved another two feet, but I continued to give him a piece of my mind every time he came anywhere near me. Especially when he came over and told me where there was seating available. "Dude I've got to be out of here in 10 minutes and I'm standing exactly where you told me to stand the last time. I don't want to sit down, I want to stand here and watch football for 10 more minutes before I have to go be somewhere else".
He finally left me alone.
10 minutes later I walked over to the poker room...
It was nice for a change not starting out with an hour and a half of 9-2 offsuit hands. I actually got to play some poker for 90 minutes!
Just before the break I decided to try and steal blinds from the cutoff with K-6 offsuit. I get one caller.
Flop comes K-6-K. It's nice when you try and steal and hit your hand. Unfortunately I couldn't extract a lot more out of the caller and I head into break at 27,200 from my 20K starting stack.
Blew a bunch of chips on one of those hands where you call pre-flop, you hit middle pair and so you call the continuation bet to see what happens...then on the turn all of a sudden you got straight draws and flush draws to go with your crappy middle pair...and then you miss everything and wish you'd just folded preflop.
But then a little later I get most or all of them back from someone else with just top pair with A-10 by check-calling flop and turn and then value-betting the river and getting paid.
Then in level 5 I believe I was in a 6 or 7 handed pot with 10-8 and the flop came J-9-7. I believe I led out because there were two clubs and I didn't want flushes drawing for free, someone went over the top of me all in. He had bottom two-pair.
47,000 or so at that point.
I lose a little on a 3-way all-in. I am first to act and look down at QQ, I make it 1000 to go (I think blinds 200/400), loose-ish player calls me, short stack goes over the top. I push all-in to try to isolate, original caller hates it but he's only got twice what the short stack has and feels compelled to try and almost triple up.
Middle stack only had 6-3. What was he thinking calling the 1000 in the first place???
Short stack has A-Q.
Flop comes with an ace to give the short stack the main pot, QQ holds up in the side pot (tho not without a sweat, also a 3 on the flop) but he had less than double the short stack so at first I thought I was breaking even but it turned out I lost a couple thousand.
Lose some more next hand on a small pair, get it back quickly after that and go into the next break at 47,000.
Right now I'm feeling pretty good! This should finally be the one to break the 0-fer!
But...that was pretty much all of the good news. Next three levels I probably didn't win more than two pots. Every time I had a good starting hand I'd flop air, every time I c-bet with my air I got called down, couldn't hit a flop to save my life with the few playable hands I had.
30 minutes after the break I was down to 35,000 chips.
20 minutes later down to 26,000.
20 minutes after that I'm under 20,000 and less than 20 big blinds.
I do finally steal some blinds and go into the next break at 21,500.
I did not last long after that break. All in with 10-10, run into K-K, done in 26th out of 76.
OK I'm tired, it's 4:20am Vegas time, I'm going to sleep. This one is "part 1". There will be a "part 2".
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Nicholas "nick" Werle: 2018-11-19 12:11:33
love your work - at Ameristar, on 1-3 table, start with min buy $100 - run it up to 450 - leave table, cash in $100, take 200 to O8b 2-5 table. put $158 in pocket. when not in hand so I cash in $100,
after hour, not in hand try to cash in $58. clerk says I cant take money off table, I say did not, she say I am a liar - RAGE- but clean language. floor says they will review tape. 15 minutes go buy they hand me my $58. then security says I cant take money off table, I say I just proved I did not. THey say, the yare escorting me out.
Other Entries This Blog:
Day 6 - Not my best day ever
Day 5 - So close...
Day 4 - A long day (part 2)
Day 4 - A long day (part 1?)
Day 3 - You flop trips and fold them???
Day 2 - Tough start
Day 1 - drive, poker
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