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Vegas June 2007 (WSOP)

Day Five (Part 1, Lunch)
Last Updated: 2007-06-27
This entry is about lunch. That's it. No gambling, no great poker stories. Just lunch.
As anyone who knows me knows, I rarely have moments that are ... let's say unmanly. And if I did I would never, ever admit to it. Nobody knows this better than Michael, my skiing/riding buddy, as our days on the mountains are generally 5+ hours of non-stop, testosterone fueled challenging of each other. I had such a moment today, however, and I'm going to admit to it. In front of the whole world no less.
So we got up at the bright early hour of 10:30am today, awoken by the sound of my cell phone vibrating. I didn't make it to answer, but I waited for a voice mail and it was Brinks calling to tell me the alarm in my house had been set off. Joann called my mother-in-law to find out what was going on because she was supposed to be at the pool with the kids. Turned out she was home and as Joann was starting to get filled in on how the alarm got set off the police showed up at the door. Give Brinks credit, they got police to the house within 5 minutes. We hadn't given her the secret word to give the Brinks folks. Oh well. A little excitement in her and the kids' day.
On to Bellagio for the buffet for lunch. For those who haven't been to Vegas, if you ever do come out here eat at the buffet at Bellagio. Not eating there once is criminal. Really ... it's that good.
On this trip because I've been playing in these huge long tournaments we haven't had much time for the various buffets we like and I haven't once had any desert. This was finally going to be the exception.
So we're in the middle of lunch and Joann asks me, jokingly, "why didn't you put into the blog what you said last night about walking into the WSOP last night". I remembered the conversation, she had decided I should walk the long walk from the restaurant to the table by myself to have time to clear my head by myself but I don't remember what I said so I asked her.
She whispers "You said you were erect".
"Uh ... no ... I said I WASN'T a total WRECK."
True story.
You know how sometimes women eat a piece of chocolate or something and all but have an orgasm on the spot? Well I decided to have a simple dessert of soft serve ice cream with carmel. And there I had one of those moments. I was like a woman who just ate chocolate. That was the best goddam caramel I've ever eaten in my life. Holy shit was that good...
And I'm telling you right now, the first one of you bastards that hands me a caramel is going to have their face punched in, male or female. Got it?
OK, last story. We're on the way to go shopping, Joann wants to go to Coach for "something". We're walking past a Fendi store and Joann is looking at a purse [that has matching shoes of the same material], and I say to her "you know, if you ever bought a friggin pair of shoes to match your purse I would disown you immediately."
Guess what Joann was going to Coach to buy. Guess how much trouble I'm in.
OK, next entry will be back to our regularly scheduled poker talk as we're both going to play at the $230 at Mirage tonight. Joann is feeling full of herself.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day Seven (Going Home)
Day Six (Thursday)
Day Five (Wednesday, Part 2)
Day Five (Part 1, Lunch)
Day Four (Tuesday)
Day Three (Monday, Part 2)
Day Three (Monday) (Part 1)
Day Two (Sunday)
Day One (Saturday)
Pete's Poker Goes to Vegas: Prolog
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
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