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Vegas November 2019

Day 6 - A BLOG about nothing...
Last Updated: 2019-11-29 13:24:06
I don't have a lot today, unfortunately.
Don't worry, I'll still manage to babble on a bit for you, but if you're strictly interested in my poker acumen you're going to be disappointed in this one :-)
The short version is I played in two tournaments, I couldn't get anything going in either of them, there weren't any particularly notable hands in either of them, I busted out unceremoniously going all in with well under 20 bigs in both of them.
The long version is I played in two tournaments, I couldn't get anything going in either of them, there weren't any particularly notable hands in either of them, I busted out unceremoniously going all in with well under 20 bigs in both of them and I finally got a good beer (and some food) in between tournaments.
Slept late, spent the morning doing my BLOG, didn't even get to read my newspaper online! Lunch at Sadelle's in Bellagio. Got some pictures for Joann, picked up a couple of Christmas tree ornaments she had wished she had bought in October, ran back to the room to drop stuff off and then on to Aria.
In the first one I registered late in the 3rd level, got aces in the first few hands, didn't get much for them. I think that was the last time I was above the 12K starting stack. It was about 2:40PM when I bought in, it was about quarter after four when I busted. I believe it was 2s or 3s run into Kings again. Was that back to back busts like that in the 1:00? I'll have to check yesterday's BLOG.
I finally got a black and tan at Tom's Urban because for a rare time on the trip I was available for a beer between 2 and 5 PM for "half price on anything that pours". I only got one because I asked for another one at 4:59 and the response was "I have too many orders ahead of you, I can't it in on time". Asking isn't enough, it has to be keyed into the register before the clock hits 5:00. Note for next time, don't wait until 4:59.
I was gonna get some pot stickers with that second beer so she missed out on some tip money!
The 7PM wasn't a whole lot better. Although there was some entertainment, mostly because I wasn't the victim and he mostly stayed out of my way ... who am I talking about?
I'm in the 2-seat and there is a complete and utter maniac in the 4 seat. Although he only played 98% of hands instead of 100%. He would fold to a lot of aggression.
But outside of that he was pretty much playing every hand. And whenever he was first to act preflop for the first level I played (level 3, earlier than I prefer but I had nothing better to do) he min-raised in the dark while the cards were being dealt 100% of the time. In the second level he started to only call in the dark.
But I'll give him credit - he was a starting hand maniac, but he played well post-flop and stayed out of the way of people like me that he quickly figured out knew how to deal with him.
He would still call me pre-flop, for example, but would quickly fold at any sign I was betting the flop. And obviously he never caught against me.
But I did see him flop a full house with K-6 and river one with Q-3 after 3-betting preflop. Because he also knew who was getting frustrated with him allowing him to mess with those people.
But for me it was just entertainment. I knew he'd play honestly against me and like I said he never actually caught.
Eventually our table broke and I got moved to a new table. It didn't get any better, I mostly hovered between 10K and 15K from my 12K starting stack.
I did win a few pots at the new table tho, but that just meant I was hovering between 15-20K while the blinds kept going up.
We're late in the 600/1200/1200 level, I'm sitting around 15 bigs, blinds are about to go up to where I'll be sitting on 10 bigs...two limpers in my big blind and I see a flop of A-4-5 when I have 7-3, so a double-gutshot straight draw ... good enough. I get in, I get called by A-6, 7 on the turn gives me two more outs (one of the two remaining sevens give me trips, a 3 gives me two pair but him a straight), no help on the river and my poker trip is over!
Back to the room earlier than I've gotten back in a while! Type up this BLOG and hit the sack since I plan to leave whenever I get up Wednesday morning. I hear I-70 is open again so hopefully I can get through!
First, as always, thanks for reading! I do appreciate it.
Second, what a satisfying trip after a brutal June. It's nice to be bringing home a nice chunk of change this time.
Joann and I will likely be going to Vegas a couple of times between now and June, but I probably will not get in any poker. We're going to be here for the Super Bowl! Check back once in a while if you want to see our June plans, as soon as we know what we're doing it'll get posted in a new BLOG.
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Other Entries This Blog:
Day 6 - A BLOG about nothing...
Day 5 - Here we go again...
Day 4 - Another good day at Aria
Day 3 - FINALLY...
Day 2 - WSOPC Seniors, close in 7pm
Day 1 - Drive, Aria 7pm
Vegas June 2024 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2023 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2022
Vegas June/July 2022 (WSOP)
Vegas October 2021 (WSOP)
Vegas June 2021
Vegas November 2019
Vegas June 2019 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2018
Vegas June 2018 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2017
Vegas June 2017 (WSOP)
Vegas December 2016
Vegas July 2016 (WSOP Tag Team)
Vegas June 2016 (WSOP Seniors, Solstice)
Vegas December 2015
Vegas June 2015 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2014
Vegas July 2014 - Main Event satellite
Vegas June 2014 (WSOP)
Vegas March 2014
Vegas October 2013
Vegas June 2013 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2012
Vegas June 2012 (WSOP)
Vegas April 2012
Vegas November 2011
Vegas June 2011 (WSOP)
Vegas April 2011 (WSOPC)
Vegas November 2010 (Deep Stack)
Vegas June 2010 (WSOP)
Vegas April 2010 (WSOPC)
Council Bluffs 02/2010 (WSOP Circuit)
Vegas November 2009 (Deep Stack)
Vegas June 2009 (WSOP)
Vegas April 2009 (WSOP Circuit)
Council Bluffs 02/2009 (WSOP Circuit)
Vegas November 2008
Vegas June 2008 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2007
Vegas June 2007 (WSOP)
Vegas November 2006
Vegas June 2006