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Council Bluffs 02/2009 (WSOP Circuit)

Day One
Last Updated: 2009-02-16 13:53:26
By popular demand (which means one person asked me why I wasn't doing one) I've decided to BLOG what I expect to be a very brief visit to Council Bluffs, Iowa for the World Series of Poker Circuit Event held here every year around this time.
Since "Mr Reliable" backed out on me at the last minute I drove here myself, a little over 8 hrs including a stop for lunch. The original plan was to drive out yesterday and split all the costs. But...almost half the hotel costs was going to be last night so by leaving a day later, although I'm paying for all of the gas I'm only paying about what I would have paid anyway for the hotel room.
So yesterday (Sunday) afternoon Joann demanded that I leave the house and come play poker. Which means that yesterday, after having canceled my room reservation on Saturday, Joann said "You know, you can still leave tomorrow morning and make it out there in time" and that was all the prompting I needed to make a new reservation and drive my ass out here today.
The plan is to play in two events, only there's a slight problem with the plan before I even start. The first one is today, Event #7 - Omaha Hi/Lo which is a two day event if I make the final table. As I type I've already bought in and I'm just killing time until it starts. But therein lies the problem...the tournament I most want to play in is the following day. Event #9 - H.O.R.S.E. which has the same format as the HORSE tournament I played in last summer at the WSOP. I'm really dying to play in that one. But if I foolishly make the final table in the 8/b tournament, the final table starts an hour before HORSE on Tuesday. So, alas, a run into the final table will be bittersweet for me because it will mean I drove all this way to play in exactly one tournament and not the one I most want to play in. But don't get me wrong, I'll take the money!
So the drive was pretty uneventful, although I was amused when I pulled off in Lincoln, NE for lunch and saw a gas station called "Git N Split". Don't know if I've lived out west long enough that I shouldn't be so amused by gas stations named like that but I still am...
So wish me luck. Most likely I'll post my fortunes tonight, but if not tonight definitely tomorrow morning.
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